Tutorial with video for building up a photography contact printer. That can be used for large format photographs and also for UV alternative/historical processes like Van Dyke Brown, Cyanotype, Gum Dichromate, Salted Paper, Platinum/Palladium among others.
Tutorial shows step-by-step and constructive details to make a large format camera back to work with standard film holders, sizes 4x5" and 9x12 cm.
Application creates a .pdf for a bellows used on photo cameras of any size. The drawing indicates the cut-and-fold lines in life size. You indicate the measures, pay via Pay Pal and receive the project by email within a few minutes.
Using Petzval-type lenses for portraits when the subject's face is out of the center of the image requires some care. The article discusses and gives an example of how to decentralize the lens to reposition its optical axis over more peripheral areas of the photographic frame.
Calculator for easy assessment of photographic formula's cost. You enter quantities, dilution, packaging and price and get right away how much one liter of that working solution costs. Very convenient to compare different formulas, purchased ready to use or homemade, and decide what suits you best...
Find a compact set of chemical reagents, 8 in total, that will allow you to develop film and print B&W photographies. With instructions about mixing, using and cost considerations. A nice starting point if you are interested in setting up a photography darkroom and make your own chemicals.
Article presents project to build a black and white photo enlarger head, with timer, using LEDs and Arduino platform. The result is high power and excellent contrast control for black and white work.
Article analyzes a practical case in which the use of RAW file, thanks to its greater depth of color, allows the exploration of areas of a photograph that in format .jpg would be lost.
Article explains why and how color-depth concept is necessary to express the array of different colors a digital system can handle. It clarifies why it must be expressed in bits, what that means in terms of color differentiation, when true-color is reached and why sometimes more than true color...
Exhibition Review: discusses relationships between the technical features of the legendary Leica camera with aesthetics and new subjects in history of photography.
This is a calculator that will help you in finding the focal length of a photographic lens. The method is about focusing on one or more objects at different distances. Each time, you write down 3 measurements. Only one measurement could do. But the idea is that “averaging”...
Pinhole is a photographic technique that employs most of the times a home made camera in different degrees of improvisation and roughness. Matchboxes, shoeboxes and whatever boxes and containers are sort of starting point for those projects. The photographer bricoleur may also start from scratch by...