Simply a must for anyone researching about antique lenses, its construction, variations, characteristics, producers, genealogies and dates among other information. An incredible work, result of may years of work from authot Matthew Wilkinson, the Lens Vade Mecum is a posthumous publication finished by family and friends based on originals and notes. The electronic version can be acquired following this link: A Lens Collector’s Vade Mecum.
Excellent publication, i have copies on:
Paper Xerox includes pictures,
Draft edn feb 1997 3 vol
CD 25.1.2000.
I was lucky to meet Mr Wilkinson many years ago when a friend who was an optics nut was building a mirror lens system for Mr Wilkinson, a nice gentleman.
I worked on the final edition of the fade mecum with Dr.Neill Wright, whomsadly died earlier in 2024. I had a similar draught edition and a CD of the Vade Mecum.
I have neither now as I have been clearing out. If you still have your draught edition would you be kind enough to tell me if E,Verhaegen from Belgium is listed and if so what dates there are for them.
Many thanks, Chris Davies
Hello Chris, I don’t understand exactly what you mean by “if E,Verhaegen from Belgium is listed”, but I searched the pdf with a CTRL+F and there is no Verhaegen in my copy. Please let me know whether this answer you inquiry.