
Boos quoted in “only images” site and also others that I recommend as of general interest

Cassell’s Cyclopedia of Photography

This is a 1911 publication and is arranged in alphabetical order as in a dictionary. No subject is explored in depth but it is very useful for researching terms related to photography. Chemical reagents, photography genres, optics, cameras, all kinds of accessories, processes, etc. There are 636...


The Studios of Europe | H. Baden Pritchard

This book covers the practice of professional portrait photography in leading studios across Europe. It was published in 1882 and therefore refers to the period when carte cabinets were consolidated as the preferred format in relation to the carte de visita format that had its peak in the 60s and...


Photo-Technique, Fundamentals & Equipment | Walls, H.J.

Although published in 1954 this is not a very difficult book to find for purchase online. Organized by H.J.Walls and edited by Focal Press is one of the few books written for amateurs that goes beyond the surface of the principles of optics, the nature of light, sensitometry and the characteristics...


Zeiss Ikon Cameras 1926-39 | D. B. Tubbs

The book first deals with the mergers that originated the giant Zeiss Ikon and then analyzes company’s extensive portfolio until the beginning of World War II. It is interesting on commenting the strategy, the mistakes and successes of what was arguably the most innovative camera manufacturer...


The Gum Bichromate Book | David Scopick

A very practical book with good advice on the technique of Gum Bichromate. From paper preparation to archiving. Some more in-depth considerations on sensitometry and trichromia using the process complete a book that can be a guide for the beginner and also a roadmap for anyone who wants to explore...


La Lumière | Bernard Maitte

Excellent book on evolution of concepts about light throughout history. All back and forth movements about its corpuscular or wave nature are approached within the cultural context of each moment and the philosophical theological preferences of each scientist. At the end it shows how much science...


Traité d’Optique Photographique | Désiré von Monckhoven

Published in 1866 this treatise is a great introduction to the optics of the first decades of photography. There is a theoretical part about light behavior and the basics about lenses, but there is also a lot of practical information organizing families and progresses made in photographic lenses...


Traité elementaire de l’objectif photographique | Étienne Wallon

A very complete treatise on photographic lenses. It starts with refraction and follows with formulas for spherical lenses, types of aberration, ways of correcting them and in the most practical part it cites the main families of lenses, their manufacturers, and goes down to the surface radii for...


Photographic Lenses of the 1800’s in France | Corrado d’Agostini

Excellent book plenty of information about the optical industry in France in the 19th century. It has large and clear photos very helpful in the identification old lenses. Lots of information about manufacturers and leading industry’s opticians. Corrado D’Agostini is professor of...
