Nicéphore Nièpce biography published in 1867 written by Victor Fouque. Josef Maria Eder cites this book as the best source about life and work of the man who produced the very first photographic image in history. Available for download at Google Books
Author - wlungov
George Eastman Museum is a multifaceted institution challenged by its own superlative assets in different branches of image making. There you find a fantastic library with historic material like the “Pencil of Nature” from Henry Fox Talbot, complete Camera Work (1903–1917) edited and published by Alfred Stieglitz, Josef Maria Eder...
For a given lens and given film or sensor format, this simulator shows how much it is possible a front raise and where the horizon line will end up in the final picture. Focusing is assumed to be at, or closer to, infinity, a frequently used condition for a landscape. Observations: 1 – The scheme is presented up side down in order to keep...
– 360 mm | f:6,3 | 1911 – The very first Tessar Tessar is probably the lens design most produced ever. Introduced in 1902, it was created by Paul Rudolph, from Carl Zeiss. The construction concept has found applications from large format down to Minox size. Lenses using Tessar’s design reached the order of millions of units and equipped...
Refraction Refraction is a phenomenon of waves changing direction when passing from one medium to another. In a photographic lens that is the case when passing from air to glass and again from glass to air. It occurs also when passing from one type of glass to a different one. They are not all the same as we will see below. The ability to change...
Evaluates image circle diameter for a given angle of view and focal length. Result is presented with the same unit you used for focal length.
Use this calculator to find out what is the minimum image circle your lens must provide in order to cover a certain film format.
I had today the opportunity to see at the Sao Paulo city library, Mario de Andrade, wet plate photography done by Roger Sassaki. Portraits in Ferrotypes and Ambrotypes were in the menu for those visiting the “Festival Zum 5 Years”, organised by the photography magazine Zum, featuring lectures, book sales and workshops. All ingredients...
Although published in 1954, this is not a very hard to find book for online purchase. Organised by H.J.Walls and edited by Focal Press it is one of the few books, intended for amateurs, that talks more in depth about optical principles, the nature of light, sensitometry and characteristics of lenses and photographic equipment in general. A very...
How it works: You enter the focal length of your lens, film or digital sensor dimensions and the approximate size of your subject. The simulator shows in value and graphically the following corresponding information: the distance you must place your lens from the subject the image circle and angle of view the lens must have to fill the frame with...
Book published in 1905 is an essential source for studying the History of Photography seeing it inserted and as a continuation of the studies on light, photo-sensitive reactions and formation of images through lenses. Phenomena observed and studied since ancient Greece and deepened particularly after the Renaissance. But 700 of its 900 pages are...
– Orthoskop | Voigtlander | 1857/58 – This is the oldest lens in my collection. It came from an antiques shop in Santos – São Paulo, in a shoe box, wrapped in newspaper, with a Dagor 240 mm, a Tessar 300mm and some other non important photographic items. Unfortunately two elements are missing on the rear. Besides that, looks like someone...