Calculator – cost of photographic formulas

This is a calculator that allows you to easily find the cost per liter of working solution for photographic chemical formulas. Here’s how it works:

  1. It is possible to calculate working solutions produced from up to 3 different stock solutions called here, generally, Part A, Part B and Part C. Case there is only one part, simpluy leave blank the other two. If it is a simple stock solution, load only Part A or B or C data.
  2. Each Party may have up to 8 reagents. This is more than enough for most formulas in photography. For each one you must type:
    1. how much goes into the stock solution (in grams or milliliters)
    2. how much of it comes in the packaging that you bought or consider to buy (in the same unit, grams or milliliters)
    3. how much is the price for that package. If purchased for delivery it may be interesting to put the freight price, total or split proportionally with other reagents since this is a cost in fact.
  3. In most photographic formulas you initially dissolve the reactants in water, in ¾ of the final volume, and complete that volume after dilution of  all reagents. You must enter the final volume of each stock solution. The cost of water is not computed. If you use distilled water and want to enter its cost, place it as one of the reagents and still report the final volume of the stock solution.
  4. Finally state what is the ratio of the stock solution parts to the water at the time of making the working solution. This goes on “relative dilution of the working solution”. A paper developer that dilutes on the basis of 1 part stock solution to 3 parts water, should be set to 1 + 0 + 0 + 3. A developer that is already prepared as working solution should be set to 1 + 0 + 0 + 0. Case you have 1 for Part A, 1 for Part B and 100 for water, use 1 + 1 + 0 +100
  5. At the top of the form you can enter the type and name of the solution. If it is developer the calculator will do a few more accounts to estimate the cost per film 135 or 120 in tanks of 250 ml and 400 ml respectively.
  6. The result is shown below and you can easily copy a summary with reagents and costs to paste into any file for your control and history.
  7. You can use the calculator for ready-made blends as developers and fixers from Kodak or Ilford. Enter quantity and cost as if it were a single reagent. Enter the volume of the stock solution and the ratio of the dilution to the working solution.

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